Starting a degree is a special development step with many new tasks and challenges. Orienting oneself in the new environment, learning how to learn, mastering exams and graduating - all of this sometimes brings uncertainties and perhaps difficulties.
If you have the feeling from time to time that you cannot do it all alone, you will get an experience that many are familiar with.

We won't leave you alone! With our free advisory services, we support you when you need our help:

  • Questions and problems about learning, exams and studying (learning advice)
  • Crisis situations and personal and study-related problems (psychosocial counseling)
  • Questions and problems related to the compatibility of studies and children or family responsibilities (studying with children)
  • Coping with studying with a handicap (disability and/or chronic illness) (studying with a handicap)

If you need support from a lawyer, we can issue you with a certificate of eligibility for a free initial consultation (legal advice).

We also organize seminars and workshops on topics such as learning and organizing your studies, stress management or studying with children.

If you have detailed questions about financing your studies, our colleagues at the AStA’s social counseling service will help you.

Do you have an acute crisis and our advice center is closed? In our overview you can see where else you can get help.

Counselling offers
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Counselling offers
Counselling team
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Counselling team
Online counselling
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Online counselling
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Further contact points
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Further contact points